"Il n'est que d'écouter les trombones de Dieu, ton coeur battre au rythme du sang, ton sang." - Léopold Sédar Senghor
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Calista - my first horror novel
Friday, December 11, 2020
Warm Christmas Wishes
Sending warm Christmas wishes to all the wonderful readers and writers out there. If you're interested, my historical novels will be free on Kindle from 15 to 18 December, with Julien's Terror also free on an extra day, up to 19 December. This is for all Amazon territories.
It's a little gift from me to anyone who has wished for more books in these times but has had to endure financial restrictions. It doesn't seem like much, I know, and it doesn't compare to a good meal but the value, believe me, is significant, because due to my nature and the conditions in which I choose to write, it so happens that for every book I wrote, I temporarily gave up a job and therefore my income. Writers are a little crazy, aren't they?
Sometimes senseless things take over your life.
Like 2020.
Hardship has the power to bring out the best in people or to exacerbate their worst. But we always have the choice. If you had to examine the year that just went past (yes, that year!) and indicate your highest achievement, what would it be?
Was it that you kept your head cool and showed endless patience during those periods when you had to juggle working from home, online schooling and children's homework while also running a home?
Was it that you reached out to the aged and the isolated by sending a warm letter to a stranger?
Was it that you developed better communication skills and finessed your diplomacy when dealing with particularly difficult co-workers while all of you were forced to work from home?
Did you find yourself thinking more of others, those who have less than you?
Did you appreciate moments of humour?
Did your creativity explode in the kitchen as a result of restaurants having closed? Did you support your local struggling businesses?
Did you spend more time with your child? Did you read more? Write more? Say I love you more?
Did you rediscover the awe of nature? How utterly precious it is...
Were you kind?
Were you kind to yourself?
Some people may feel they achieved nothing, but they would be wrong. For certain individuals, each day may have been a struggle; to eat, to feed their children, to avoid crying, to stay alive... They were in fact the highest achievers this year.
With ongoing social distancing rules, the near absence of smiles occasioned by the persistent wearing of masks, the loss of this positive emotional contagion during good times - parties, sport events, large gatherings, concerts - people of all ages have been threatened with or felt alienation and loneliness. It would have taken them enormous spiritual courage to keep functioning.
At the same time, the most difficult challenge for those who struggled with loss of income, who were cut off from their job network and who felt a sense of failure, or lack of control, was to avoid succumbing to anger, depression and despair. To know that you were dealt an unfair blow and yet to continue to hope, is true power.
To remain strong, to learn to calm the mind, is an achievement in itself. An achievement in resilience and human courage.
I wish you peace.
Thursday, October 1, 2020
Review: Midnight Fire by P.K. Adams
Having read and enjoyed Silent Water, I felt fortunate to obtain an advanced review copy of P.K. Adams' Midnight Fire, the second book in her Jagiellon mystery trilogy. Out next week, this is one novel you don't want to miss if you are a fan of cosy mysteries and long to time travel to the Polish Golden Age.
P.K. Adams is a talented writer who breathes atmosphere and colour to a period that few historical novelists have dared to tread. Employing artful descriptions and an engrossing prose, she effortlessly merges an absorbing plot with her cultural and historical knowledge of 16th century Poland. Once again the astute and introspective Caterina Konarska who almost lost her life in Silent Water, is thrown into the intrigues of the fascinating Jagiellonian court to become our key detective; a treat.
More king than her husband, it is Bona Sforza who in this year of 1545 remains the iron-fisted ruler of both Poland and Lithuania. Officially, her son, Zygmunt August, rules as second king and has setup his court in Vilnius, Lithuania. Many years have passed since Bona first arrived in Poland for her marriage, and now, much like Catherine de Medici — an Italian queen in a foreign land – Bona’s origins have begun to paint her in negative light. It is no secret that she is strongly opposed to her son’s desire to marry his scandalous Lithuanian lover, Barbara Radziwiłł, and there are those, like the estranged Zygmunt himself, who believe she is ruthless enough to kill to prevent this marriage. Much maligned, Bona’s political instinct is to see that her son marries a Habsburg, forging a powerful alliance with that empire. In a court where her supporters have dwindled to a few, who can she trust to impose her will and prevent Zygmunt from marrying Barbara?
Newly arrived in Kraków after a long journey from Bari in Italy, Caterina who remembers the prestigious and progressive Polish court, is seeking to consult one of Queen Bona’s physicians in the hope that he can cure her son, Giulio’s mysterious recurring fevers. Bona advises her to travel to the Vilnius court to see one of her Italian physicians. Much like the readers who have encountered Caterina’s sleuthing and her sharp mind in the first book, Bona recognises a capable woman in Caterina and doesn’t miss the opportunity to entrust her with a delicate mission of dissuasion targeting Zygmunt – the nature of which she hopes will save her son from a disastrous marriage.
History tells us that Caterina will not succeed. Today we can gaze at the delightful 19th century Jan Matejko painting depicting Zygmunt August as he cradles Barbara Radziwiłł in Vilnius, the two enraptured in a loving embrace. We know that the couple eventually wed, albeit in secret. Then again there is Józef Simmler’s haunting The Death of Barbara Radziwiłł that captures a heart-wrenching scene. Here, an ashen Barbara lies in bed, her lifeless arm dangling to the floor, while a powerless and broken-hearted Zygmunt looks on, knowing he has lost her forever. The painting is a stark reminder that only five months after her coronation, Barbara will find death at only 30 years of age.
Doomed, the lovers certainly were. While this book, with its string of ghastly murders linked to Barbara Radziwiłł, and its showcasing of Caterina’s solid detective work, remained a well-paced and engaging mystery, it was the impending tragedy looming over the young couple which captivated my attention - the unsaid narrative. All its elements are present as though fate conspired to tear the lovers apart: the rampant scorn and gossip of the court; the attack on Barbara’s life; and the forbidding attitude towards August and Barbara’s relationship from various political parties, not least from the Habsburgs and Queen Bona herself. As it turned out, when the undercurrents of politics could not part the lovers, it was a fateful illness which administered the last blow.
For cultural immersion, there is much to enjoy about this novel. I loved following Caterina into Vilnius, and delighted in her vivid observations of the court subjects – both their striking character and attire. During Caterina’s visit to a Turkish bath in Vilnius or when she enters the Radziwiłł palace, the evocative writing was highly effective for transporting the reader into the world of 16th century Lithuania.
P.K. Adams can also be praised for crafting mood, one that is pregnant with danger and gloom. The insidious shadow of death permeates, even beyond the murders that Caterina is called upon to solve in Vilnius. There is first, the memory of the young murderess, Helena Lipińska, who met an unjust fate in the first novel. While her tragic end plagues Caterina with guilt, it is Bona Sforza’s lady-in-waiting, Lucrezia, who seems more affected by it, and whose spiritual decay seems to progress throughout the story. Emerging through Caterina’s investigation, is the foreshadowing of Queen Bona’s future murder and her betrayal by a court subject twelve years later.
The novel seems to remind the reader of impending and inevitable death, whether spiritual or physical. In this, the author employs a haunting metaphor – Queen Bona had received five desert camels as a gift but kept them in a tight pen in a cold environment where such animals do not thrive. At the beginning of the novel, we learn that two of the camels have perished, leaving only three who appear desperately ill already. After seeing the animals, Caterina makes an allusion to Queen Bona’s unbending will and her denial of the forces of nature: “there is no cheating nature, no taming its laws. In the end, nature always prevails.” Proving her right, at the end of the novel, only two camels remain. Meanwhile Lucrezia is herself more sickly looking than ever, a hint that like the camels, it is only just a matter of time until her soul finally breaks. And last, Queen Bona, as history would have it, could not escape her own murder.
A highly recommended, satisfying mystery, Midnight Fire is out on 6 October 2020.
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Le Secret de Chantilly - Antonin Carême et Grimod de la Reynière
Rue Napoléon
« Monsieur Carême, lança-t-il en sortant ce cahier qu'il trainait
partout sur lui. Je dois vous féliciter pour vos croquants aux amandes. Ils sont
exquis. Croustillant à perfection. On ne trouverait pas dans tout Paris de
confiseries plus délicieuses.
— Vous devriez essayer le Croquembouche à la Chantilly, monsieur de la
Reynière », j’entonnai, surpris par son manque d'esprit acerbe à cette occasion.
Comme j’étais dupe.
« J'ai bien peur d’être un fervent admirateur des pâtisseries de Rouget,
et je n'ai en revanche pas pris grand goût à la votre qui me semble, comment
dire... plutôt lourde.
— Lourde ? Ma pâte feuilletée ? Je restai sans voix. « Allons, allons. La vexation est indigne de tout pâtissier. Mais que vois-je ici ? » Il regarda avec étonnement les meringues que j'avais façonnées. C'étaient d'élégantes formes pastel disposées en pyramide sur mon comptoir de marbre – en vert, en rose, et même des meringues violettes. Elles étaient magnifiques près de ma collection de petits fours.
Je le vis inspecter les contours de chaque meringue et je m’en
félicitais. Pour la première fois, je dévoilais ma dernière invention. Je ne m’encombrais plus de cet usage limité
qu’était la cuillère pour former mes meringues. Celle-ci engendrait souvent des
biscuits rocheux, et sans raffinement. Je les canalisais à présent. C'était
révolutionnaire. Les panneaux de glace reflétaient l'ensemble de mon affichage,
produisant un spectacle de lumières et de couleurs. De la Reynière prit des notes
dans son journal. Je souris. J'avais alors oublié ses remarques précédentes sur
ma pâte feuilletée.
Je m’aventurai, soucieux de voir ma belle pâtisserie répertoriée dans sa
liste d'établissements recommandés.
« Vous préparez une entrée pour votre prochain almanach ? je m’entendis
« Certainement, monsieur De la Reynière. Et aimeriez-vous que je vous
livre un assortiment de petits-fours ? » J'avais perfectionné ma crème aux violettes et pensais que lui et son
jury l'apprécieraient.
« Je ne peux pas dire que je m’enthousiasme pour votre pâtisserie, Carême
», répéta-t-il en examinant la boutique et prenant note du décor.
À ce moment, je sentis mon ressentiment bouillonner. Je me retrouvais
piégé par un homme qui pouvait facilement ruiner ma réputation avec ses écrits.
Mais je me contenais, luttant pour ne rien révéler de mes sentiments.
Mais De la Reynière n’avait pas fini. Soudain, après un long contrôle de
la boutique, il se tourna vers moi avec un regard suspect et, quelque peu
perplexe, il porta le coup final.
« Dites-moi, monsieur Carême, comment un garçon comme vous, venu de
rien, arrive-t-il subitement sur la rue Napoléon ? Je trouve ça plutôt étrange.
— Comment étrange ? Monsieur de la Reynière, je travaille la pâtisserie
depuis cinq ans. J'ai travaillé six ans avant cela…
— Oui, on me l’apprit. Dans une gargote.
— M. Boucher de chez M. de Talleyrand ne m'aurait pas employé s'il ne
m’en jugeait pas digne, rétorquai-je, sentant le sang rougir mes joues.
— On voudrait le croire ! »
Il semblait se moquer de moi à chaque mot.
« N’allons pas prétendre, monsieur Carême, que monsieur de Talleyrand
n'a rien à voir avec l'investissement dans votre boutique. Vous êtes tout
simplement un jeune homme très chanceux. »
Il me dévisagea avec une insolence insupportable.
« Pourtant, je me demande ce qu'un homme de votre milieu pourrait jamais
apporter à une gastronomie vieille de plusieurs centaines d'années et qui
existe depuis des siècles dans des cercles beaucoup plus élevés. Comprenez-vous
le sens de mes paroles ? Ce n'est pas dans une gargote que se fait la
— C'est vrai, mais… j'ai étudié avec de grands pâtissiers, monsieur.
J'ai appris plein… » Ma voix traîna. J'eus l'impression d'étouffer et aucun mot
ne vint. Peut-être que De la Reynière avait raison.
Il vit alors que je vacillais et que je n'étais pas fait pour ça. Cette fine
repartie d'esprit en plein débat houleux – c'était son domaine. Il semblait
gagner en confiance à chaque signe de doute qu'il voyait gravé sur mon visage.
« Vous savez, monsieur Carême, je me demande encore pourquoi Talleyrand
vous aiderait pour financer cette pâtisserie. C'est assez déroutant. Un homme
comme Talleyrand est à peine connu pour son altruisme. On pourrait penser que
vous étiez le talent que tout Paris dit que vous êtes ! Mais franchement, je ne
le vois pas. »
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Le Secret de Chantilly - Antonin Carême rencontre Boucher
Depuis plusieurs jours, je travaille sur la traduction de mon roman, Le Secret de Chantilly. Mi-conte, mi-roman historique, ce livre se base sur la vie du célèbre chef, Antonin Carême et sa relation avec l'énigmatique Talleyrand.
C'est merveilleux pour moi de voir cette histoire - qui d'ailleurs est bien Française, même si elle a été originalement conçue en anglais - prendre une toute nouvelle forme. Petit à petit, je découvre mes personnages pour la première fois, comme si le fait de leur rendre leur langue maternelle leur redonnait vie.
L'un de mes personnages préférés, c'est Boucher, le maitre d'hôtel de Talleyrand. Dans ce passage, qui est l'un de mes préférés, Antonin qui a seize ans rencontre Boucher pour la première fois.
Note: Pour l'instant la ponctuation suit les règles de dialogue anglais.
Monday, February 10, 2020
The Silence of the Pirogue
No self-respecting author born in Senegal and with a blog called, Teranga and Sun, should omit to pen a novel set in their birth place. I am pleased to have begun a historical crime novel partly set in 1970s and 80s Dakar.
Western Africa is a such a world apart from the last thirty-four years of my life in Australia. Yet now that I am currently living in France, so close to the place of my birth, the memories of Senegal have flooded back.
A wonder it is, don't you think, that just as I commence a new life in Brittany in the home of my French ancestors, I find myself drawing from an older life in order to create.
No surprises, given you have read this post's title. My new novel is called The Silence of the Pirogue. A pirogue, in case you are not familiar, is a slender traditional Senegalese fishing boat. It is beautiful and very common along the Atlantic shores. And that's all I'll say!
I have two other novels in progress, though one is purely at embryonic pen-free stage and its title has not been announced... Hint: it is partly set in a beautiful island and it takes place in 17th century France. D'Artagnan might just make an appearance.
In the meantime, I am eagerly applying the last beta-feedback edits to The Secret of Chantilly. I have made a decision to query agents and publishers and hope to find a home for it. Wish me luck. I do tend to keep my affairs secret but it is no secret that I aim to get rejected many times this year.
2020 is off to a good start. After ten years of erring, and wondering-where-to-grow-roots, it is wonderful to not be renting a home anymore. I feel as though the last six years have been incredibly intense. I lived a double life. By this I don't only mean that I was split between my corporate job and my writing job, but I also led the other double life; the one where I had a current Australian home and a potential French home, and everything I did and planned was aimed at leaving one and reaching the other. Who else plans, ever secretly, and for that long? Talleyrand perhaps. :)
Writers need their own quiet place, unburdened by the yoke of the landlord who so often corrupts any good intention one has to write from the heart. And I think artists need their space even more, so they may fill it with pretty things and remain inspired. This year, 2020, is the year I am no longer in transit; I have a place to call my own. I can fill it with books, art and paint the walls any color I wish. What a joy.