Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Book Launch: The Signare of Gorée

Yay! My new novel, The Signare of Gorée, was finally published on 9 September. For having been born in Senegal, it is a rare delight to be able to say that I have written a mystery set in my birth country.

I am celebrating my book's launch over four weeks with a fantastic blog tour hosted by the excellent Coffee Pot Book Club. They promote high quality historical fiction and I am honored that Cathie Dunn would accept to host The Signare of Gorée.

This post will update weekly with links to the various blog tour stops as they happen. You can find the same links on the official blog tour page

Over the tour, I will be sharing: what inspired me to write this historical mystery; the historical background of the powerful women called, signares - who they were and the unique culture they created; the tragic story of Senegal's last warrior queen; the dark and beautiful highlights of my historical research; and the occult practices I witnessed in my childhood and that have seeped into the novel. 

There will be many excerpts and I will try not to bore you with my answers to interview questions!
I hope you will visit to learn more about this unique story and the fascinating country where it is set! 

September 12th

September 26th
CelticLady's Reviews
Yarde Reviews & Book Promotion
Myths, Legends, Books & Coffee Pots
The Whispering Bookworm
Mary's Bookcase

October 3rd
A Darn Good Read
Oh look, another Book!
Elizabeth St.John's Official Blog
Wendy J. Dunn's Official Blog
Ruins & Reading

The Signare of Gorée will soon be available on expanded distribution booksellers worldwide.

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